Traditional Healing Herbs

Traditional Healing Herbs

Beautiful artistic chart gives brief description of Herbs and their Healing Powers. Frame-worthy IMHO. (I do not own the rights to this artwork.)

How To Cleanse and Charge Crystals

Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals

There are many and varied methods for cleansing and charging crystals, some are simple and some very elaborate.

The method described here is relatively simple and very effective.

Relax and Enjoy.


Crystal energy  can be used for emotional, physical, and spiritual healing by balancing and stimulating positive energy in the mind/body.  Crystals  pull positive energies to you, and the more you use them, the more of a bond you form.  Oddly, this same frequent use of your crystals can weaken their energy and effectiveness. To prevent this from happening,  charge your crystals regularly.  The process is an easy one, but I suggest you wait for the Full Moon and for a time when you can be  calm and relaxed to more easily direct your most positive energies.


When you take your crystals home its time to do your part.  First, make sure the crystals remain clean and free of earth and dirt.  Should they be soiled, simply rub them down with a soft organic cloth.  As a last resort you may use a soft bristle brush, as you want to disturb them as little as possible.   Once this is done, you are ready to cleanse your crystals.  Cleansing is the first step in readying  your crystals to accept your best energies and intentions. 

Choose the crystals that you want to work with based on the outcome that you are looking for.   Clear Quartz Crystal absorbs negativity and allows you to instill a most positive and energetic atmosphere in yourself and your sacred space.  Clear Quartz Crystals can take the place of other crystals that are unavailable to you at any given time.  Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz Crystal are among the easiest to start out with.  Rose Quartz is excellent for enhancing your intentions and filling your space with love and positivity. Amethyst also easily accepts positive energy and will ease stress and instill calmness in yourself and all around you. 

On the evening of the Full Moon, cleanse each crystal by running cool water over it as you hold it in your hand.  Place them in an earthen or glass bowl and cover with well water or purified water.  Gently mix in a small amount of natural sea salt.  Now place the bowl of water and crystals on the ground under the moonlight, preferably a Full Moon.  Let it remain there for at least 24 hours, and even better, from one Full Moon to the next .   Take care to either end the cleansing at this Full Moon or in the Waxing-to-Full Moon phase of the next.  I do not advise ending cleansing in any other moon phase other than the Waxing or Full Moon.  When your crystals have absorbed the Full Moon energy,  rinse them under cool running water, being sure to gently handle them as you do.  When a connection is made, you will “feel” that  the cleansing process has been completed.   When you have reached that stage, allow your crystals to air dry.


After cleansing, you may want to charge your crystal with a specific power.  Charging crystals is an essential part of working with them as tools.   Again, crystals are charged with your personal energy during the Full Moon.  Before charging your crystal, carry it around in your pocket or wear it around your neck for a few days, being sure not to carry it with metallic or magnetic objects, such as your keys or phone.  Keeping the crystal close to you helps strengthen the bond between your crystal and your own personal energy. 

Charging your crystals during the Waxing or Full Moon will ready them to aid you in a fresh start and in seeking out your desires .  Charging your crystal under the waxing moon aids in positivity and in the intention of gaining something that you want or need.  Working in the waning or new moon is a bit more tricky,  as some may use this in a negative manner.  But as you gain more experience, charging under a waning or new moon could help you to achieve a lessening effect on something, such as debts or illness.   Until you gain more knowledge, it is best to work in the Waxing to Full Moon with all of your crystals.

 As important as cleansing is imparting them with your intent for their work, using the elements of air, fire, water, and earth.   Charging your crystals with a specific energy is a moving and  powerful experience.  Find a  place of peace and quiet within your home and space.  Sit still and relax,  concentrating on your intent and focusing your energies.   Decide what you wish to impart to your crystals. 

Unwanted feelings may surface when working with crystals.  That’s OK.  You may choose to protect yourself with meditation or a prayer of your choosing.  Ask for guidance, allowing all your  feelings to flow, acknowledging them and creating an aura of pure love.

Picking up a single stone in your dominant hand as you visualize your intent and what you would like to gain from your crystals.  Relax.  Direct these energies into the stone that you are holding.   Try to actually visualize  the energy going out from your body and into the stone.  You might try seeing it as a line of light flowing from you  to the stone.  As you charge the crystal, visualize it glowing with the light of your energy.   When the stone has received your energy and intent, you will feel it within the crystal, and as with the cleansing, and you will then know that the process has been completed.   When you have finished charging the stones, wrap them individually in a soft, unbleached organic cloth such as a natural cotton or silk.  Thank the spirits for the guidance they have provided you. 


Some may choose to perform a more elaborate charging ritual.  The basics are the same, the feelings are the same, only the tools are different.  To do this you will need an incense stick,  natural essential oil such as sandalwood, amber, lavender or frankincense,  a red candle,  well-or-purified water, a small earthen bowl or other natural receptacle,  and a small plot of soil such as in a flower pot.   Light a stick of incense and  the red candle to represent the elements, air and fire.  Pass the crystal through the smoke to charge with the energies of  air.  Pass the crystal through the candle flame to charge with fire energy.  Sprinkle purified water from the bowl onto the stone, charging it with the energy of water.  Place the crystal in the soil and visualize the earth’s energy charging your crystal.  Finally, rub the essential oil over the stone to charge it with your very own energy.  Give thanks to the elements and to Mother Earth for aiding you in  your endeavor.  Again, wrap your crystal in a small piece of organic silk or cotton.

Keep your crystals clean by polishing gently with a soft cloth,  and keep the energy pure by wrapping them or keeping them in a soft organic cotton or silk bag.  This will keep impurities from changing or weakening the energy and  intentions you have placed within your crystal.  Keep it with you, in your pocket, wear it around your neck, or simply hold it in your hand to guide you clearly and purely in all your endeavors.  You may choose to gently rub essential oil of lavender onto your crystal to aid in calming and soothing.  Have fun and experiment with essential oils for their metaphysical and healing properties.

Thanks for stopping by,

